Our History

The ‘birth’ of TOFA

In 1994 a group of volunteers from the WA/La Réunion Student Exchange Committee – under the leadership of Kathy Gecan (ex-Uskokovic) – initiated plans for the setting up of a French teachers’ association. The December 1994 farewell function for Isabelle Muller (Attachée inguistique) was the first time that the proposed plans for the foundation of a French teachers’ association were outlined to the 50 teachers present. The 50 teachers’ strong endorsement for the creation of such an association encouraged the initiators to continue working. Following the successful December 1994 function, the volunteers formed an interim committee.

During 1995 they launched the first newsletter and organised 4 professional development events (then called inservice courses). Busselton was chosen as the venue for the first conference, named Stage à la Plage, so it sounded attractive to attendees and because the distance from Perth would mean that all the participants would remain for the entire weekend rather than leave to go home at night as would have been the case had it been held in Perth. The free time spent with colleagues was considered an important step towards establishing friendships and so breaking down barriers for sharing teaching strategies beyond the conference weekend.

With over 80 members by Term 2 1995 TOFA was the biggest sub-group within MLTA and well placed for future success.

In 1996, TOFA was officially born as a sub-committee of the MLTA. On 22 March 1996, the foundation Annual General Meeting was held at the Alliance Française where 35 members voted TOFA officially into being.

Our Constitution

  1.  The name of the association is the Teachers of French Association (WA) Inc. hereinafter referred to as ‘the Association’.
  2. Aims and objectives: The Association strives to support teachers of French, the teaching and learning of French through:
    • Professional development for teachers
    • Maintenance of professional networks
    • Dissemination of information through newsletters and electronic methods
    • Provision of student activities
    • Issuing published support documentation
    • Support and promote excellence in the French language

    The property and income of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects or purposes of the Association and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to members of the association, except in good faith in the promotion of those objects or purposes.

  3. The Association supports and encourages membership of the Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia.
  4. Membership: the association is open to all teachers of French.
  5. An up to date register of members is to be kept by the membership secretary.
  6. The membership fee is to be set at the annual general meeting.
    a/ The committee shall be made up of 10 – 12 members. Office bearers shall be:

    • President Vice President
    • Membership Secretary
    • Minutes Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Webmaster

    All office bearers shall pass on to their successors all records, goods and property received whilst in office.

    b/ Committee members will be elected to the positions at the annual general meeting which shall be held each year in the month of February.

    c/ All positions to be declared vacant at the Annual General Meeting.

    d/ A committee member may resign by giving at least two weeks written notice to the minute’s secretary.

    e/ Casual vacancies on the committee can be filled by co-opting a member as agreed by the committee.

    f/ The quorum of the committee shall consist of half the number of the committee plus one member. The committee shall meet as often as deemed necessary by the committee and shall conduct the business necessary for the operation of the Association.

  7. The annual general meeting shall be during the month of February with a minimum of 15 days notice to be given. Business to be transacted shall include: consideration and adoption/ rejection of reports from the president, treasurer and others as deemed necessary, election of office bearers and other committee members, setting of fees business as submitted on the agenda and any other business arising from the meeting. The quorum for this meeting is 10% of the members.
  8. General meetings shall be held as decided by the committee, the time, place, and agenda determined by the committee and notified to all members. The quorum for these meetings shall be as for the AGM.
  9. The financial year for the association shall be from February 1 in any year to January 30 of the following year. Income and expenditure shall be fully tabulated according to accepted bookkeeping standards.
    An annual financial statement, audited and signed by a member of Australian Society of CPA’s, Institute of Chartered Accountants, or the National Institute of Accountants, as appointed by the committee, shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting. All cheques and withdrawals shall be signed by two officer bearers of the committee.
  10. Any member of the association may propose in writing an amendment to the constitution of the association. This must be submitted to the secretary 21 days before the AGM and to be circulated with the notice of the meeting. The amendment shall be ratified by a three-fourths majority at the AGM. No amendment to the constitution submitted for ratification may be altered in substance at the meeting.
  11. The Common Seal of the association engraved with the name of the Association shall be kept in the care of the president. The seal shall not be used or affixed to any deed or other document except pursuant to a resolution of the committee and in the presence of the president and two members of the committee both of whom shall subscribe their names as witnesses shall be kept in the care of the president. It may be used solely for the purposes as directed by the committee.
  12. The records, books, documents and securities of the association shall be kept by the current officers and passed on to their successors. They are available for inspection by members upon written request to the president at least two weeks prior to the inspection date.
  13. The association may be dissolved or wound up by a special resolution passed by a three-fourths majority at a meeting convened for that purpose. Notice of the general meeting shall be given not less than twenty one days prior to the date of the meeting.
    If upon the dissolution or winding up of the association there remains, after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed among the members, but shall be given or transferred to the Modern Language Teachers’ Association of WA (Inc) or its successor, or failing that, some other incorporated institution having objects wholly, or partially, similar those of the Association.
    Determination of the body to which remaining property of the Association shall be given shall be determined at the General Meeting which resolves on the dissolution.